If you have chipped or discolored teeth or dislike the gaps between your teeth, porcelain veneers offer an effective, non-invasive solution. These small dental devices fit snuggly over your existing teeth enamel and display a whiter, lighter shade while filling in gaps and covering any chips or fractures in your teeth. We also provide quality dental crowns, bridges, and teeth whitening to improve your smile. At Gregory Sy DDS & Associates, we'll strive to see you're more than satisfied with our dental treatment options in Amherst, OH, and the surrounding areas.
Crowns are a tried and true solution for teeth that are damaged, chipped, or broken. These tooth-shaped caps are cemented over the damaged tooth and provide protection, stability, and aesthetic appeal.
Crowns are commonly used in conjunction with dental bridges and significantly improve misshapen teeth' look and function. We offer a wide variety of dental crowns, veneers, teeth whitening, and other cosmetic dental services that will ensure you love the way your teeth look and feel. Contact us today for more information about our dental services in Amherst, OH, and the surrounding areas.
At the office of Gregory Sy DDS & Associates, we strive to ensure our patients experience the very finest dental care and are provided with expert oral health guidance in Amherst, OH, and the surrounding areas. Our team of dentists, hygienists, and dental technicians has years of experience, and we pride ourselves on offering affordable preventative, cosmetic, and emergency dental procedures that are painless and affordable. Contact our office today to schedule an initial dental evaluation and cleaning.
Ask about our finest porcelain veneers and dental crowns in Amherst, OH! (440) 282-9550
Phone: (440)282-9550
Email: info@gregorysydds.com
Address: 1755 Cooper Foster Park Rd, Amherst, OH 44001